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Acerca de cgronchi

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Hasta ahora cgronchi ha creado 9 entradas de blog.

Videoconference a tool of change for permanent education processes


The greatest challenge of a society is, without a doubt, that of strengthening education, since in it lies economic, political, environmental, and social development exponentially. One of the keys to manage changes to the demands of an activity as complex as this lies in identifying opportunities and risks, formulating innovative strategies that are both efficient and effective according to needs and in a timely manner. From this scenario, videoconference as an educational tool in the pedagogical field, represents an element that favors change management in the face of a complex teaching population that requires fresh [...]

Videoconference a tool of change for permanent education processes2022-03-05T03:20:19+00:00

Virtual education: A global reality from which Panama does not escape


We saw with amazement what was happening in China in the months of November and December 2019, but little by little Covid_19 also reached Latin America and Panama, being Panama a country of high international traffic, did not escape this pandemic. That is how in Panama one day we woke up with the schools closed without having a precise idea of ​​their reopening. We are faced with the need to rethink the educational model and adapt it to the times of social isolation. So, being Panama a country with face-to-face education, [...]

Virtual education: A global reality from which Panama does not escape2022-03-05T03:28:40+00:00

Apoyo a las escuelas para el cumplimiento de los nuevos reglamentos y las nuevas tendencias


Knowing the importance of continuous training, we organize periodic visits to hold workshops with teachers and administrators to guarantee a positive experience every time they use any of the modules that make up SEDUCA platform. On March 12 and 13, the day before the Ministry of Education suspended face-to-face classes in private schools, we visited our last school due to the situation, in this case we were in Chitré offering special training for teachers and administrative staff from our client, SOYUZ BILINGUAL SCHOOL.

Apoyo a las escuelas para el cumplimiento de los nuevos reglamentos y las nuevas tendencias2022-03-05T03:35:12+00:00

Dispositivos Móviles


SEDUCA can be used from any mobile device, any day of the year, any time of the day, from anywhere in the world, as long as they have internet. Our platform is built with the latest features and trends in design and development of web platforms, using the versatility offered by responsive design. Currently, it can be used by all types of users: Administrative Teachers Students Parents Schedule a demo

Dispositivos Móviles2020-04-16T22:54:01+00:00



SEDUCA has the management of notifications and alerts, in real time for everything that happens inside the educational center. These notifications can be sent separately or simultaneously to the Seduca platform or APP, as long as it has been previously downloaded to a Smart Phone. Build Your School Future With SEDUCA If you want to receive real time information,  we have the right solution. Our notifications can be costumized by the administrator, and can be sent by different means: Text notifications (SMS) Push Notifications (SNS) Email notifications There are many other actions that could be selected to generate alerts and [...]


¿Conoce la importancia de tener un sistema eficiente de gestión del aprendizaje (LMS)?


Think smart. Be part of more than 57,400 users that today use SEDUCA platform. Contact us today for a live demo. With a demo you will be able to see everything that SEDUCA can do for you and your school live. Follow your instincts... Take the key to success An educational management system is one that can manage all the processes of the different areas of the school, both academic and administrative, from one place, involving all members of the school community (Administrators, Teachers, Students and Parents). It is the system that provides each member of the school community [...]

¿Conoce la importancia de tener un sistema eficiente de gestión del aprendizaje (LMS)?2023-10-19T17:59:15+00:00

SEDUCA la plataforma más completa


After having the opportunity to learn about the different platforms that exist for the academic management of an educational institution, we can confirm that the only 100% integrated platform is SEDUCA. Many campuses have to resort to various platforms, each of which manages a specific and different area; However, they are independent platforms that force the administration to duplicate tasks and make mistakes, as well as not having the information in one place at the time of making a decision. The SEDUCA platform has some modules that support administration to the management area of ​​the educational center such as, Finance, [...]

SEDUCA la plataforma más completa2022-03-04T23:26:14+00:00

Educación del futuro


This is what school will be like in 2030 Educational systems around the world will undergo major changes by 2030 brought about by the technological revolution. In the next 15 years, the Internet will turn schools into "interactive environments" that will turn traditional forms of learning upside down and change the way teachers, parents and students arehave. In the school of the future, master classes will disappear and the teacher will no longer act only as a transmitter of knowledge, but will have as his or her main mission to guide the student through his or her own learning process. [...]

Educación del futuro2022-03-04T23:49:00+00:00


Grupo Soluciones Educativas, S.A.

Urbanización Altos del Romeral, Ave. Valladolid, Chalet 69A

Mobile: +507 6495-0852

