After having the opportunity to learn about the different platforms that exist for the academic management of an educational institution, we can confirm that the only 100% integrated platform is SEDUCA.
Many campuses have to resort to various platforms, each of which manages a specific and different area; However, they are independent platforms that force the administration to duplicate tasks and make mistakes, as well as not having the information in one place at the time of making a decision.
The SEDUCA platform has some modules that support administration to the management area of ​​the educational center such as, Finance, Human Resources, Online Admission, Online Enrollments, Schedule Generator, Extracurricular Activities, Cafeteria, Nursing, both physical and virtual Library, School Transportation and others.

Start small. Think Big.

No matter the size of your school campus, the important thing is that you have the right tools for organized growth. SEDUCA will allow you to dedicate more time to your administration and marketing tasks, since the platform will handle each and every one of the areas you need to administer and / or supervise the educational center.

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