About Us
We love what we do – We love challenges
We think that by loving what we do, being totally in sync with the goals and having the right tools, there is no challenge that we cannot achieve.
What about us:
Grupo Soluciones Educativas is made up of a heterogeneous team of dreamers and visionaries with extensive experience in different disciplines, such as analysis, design and development of platforms and web applications, implementation, support, sales and marketing of these platforms and applications.
Our team is characterized by the union based on the vision of creating a platform to manage all areas of a school, including its administrative and academic areas, based on our initial purposes, we work tireless to meet the requirements of each of our customers and make this vision come true.
The sum of our vision, motivated and supported by the turn that technology has given to education, we have developed and created SEDUCA, the platform that integrates and improves all the processes of any school or educational center.
Our Promise
Su centro educativo a un click de distancia
Nuestra promesa va más allá de una plataforma. Nuestra promesa es asegurar que continuamos proporcionando información en tiempo real a todos nuestros usuarios, a través de cualquier dispositivo, 24 horas al día, 365 días al año.
Revisando cada día lo que podemos mejorar o agregar a la plataforma para estar siempre un paso adelante.
Cuando se piensa en una plataforma que pueda integrar todas las áreas que se gestionan en una escuela, desde la perspectiva de los administradores, educadores, estudiantes y asistentes, piense en SEDUCA, la única plataforma 100% integrada capaz de hacer esto realidad.