Our Values
Be the leading company in technological solutions for the effective management of educational centres.
Supported by technology and a highly committed team, we help schools to modernize their school management, thus making SEDUCA a strategic business partner.
To build a sustainable, highly productive and fully humane company.
Real-time, accurate information for all our users
Your school one click away.
Teamwork: Promoting and supporting a homogeneous, versatile and interdepartmental team.
Collaboration: Integration with our suppliers and customers to improve their quality every day to meet their needs.
Service: We fulfill our commitments and we are responsible for our performance in all our decisions and actions, based on a great will for service by and for our clients.
Innovation and continuous improvement: We realize the importance of looking to the future, so we provide optimal support and service to our customers.
Transparency: The involvement and commitment of the staff would not be possible without absolute transparency in the processes, providing the staff with the maximum information of the company.
Communication: We promote and facilitate communication between all levels of the organization, having effective tools, convening appropriate forums and with the constant commitment of management.
Integrity and Ethics: We promote a social commitment and comply with our internal regulations.
Training: The company is concerned with continuous training in all areas.